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10 Affordable Things to do in Dublin this Winter

We were thrilled to be featured in Cheap Rooms article on 10 affordable things to do in Dublin this winter. Thank you to Ally for the feature. You can read more here.

5. Have afternoon tea with Santa

Santa will be setting up camp in his own ‘Santa Carriage’ aboard a lovingly restored 1960s double decker bus this winter. From 3 – 23 December 2020, Vintage Tea Trips is offering a 70 minute afternoon tea extravaganza, with a full tea spread, elves on hand for entertainment and a meeting (and photo) with Santa himself. Visitors in 2021 will miss out on Santa, but can still enjoy a wintery afternoon treat with the Dublin Afternoon Tea Trip, which includes a full afternoon tea to the sound of 1950s jazz.

6 Essex Street, East Dublin

a person riding on the back of a truck

Vintage Tea Tours 2020 Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

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